Laundry & Linens

Laundry on campus

Laundry washers and dryers are free to use in each residence hall. Students must provide their own laundry soap, detergent, dryer sheets, and cleaner products. Only current residential students are permitted to do their laundry in a residence hall. Machine maintenance is paid for by student fees.

Student expectations

Use only high efficiency (HE) washer detergent. HE detergents will have a blue and white HE symbol on the packaging. Follow the measuring instructions on the package. Learn about HE detergent.
The high efficiency symbol on laundry detergent.

Do not overload machines. Do not fill the machine more than 3/4 full for a proper clean and dry. The empty space allows for tumbling leading to better performance. This also reduces weight-related wear over time.
Never load a machine more than 3/4 full.

Clean the dryer lint trap. Clean before you start, for your sake, and after every use because it's your lint. Failing to do so will reduce dryer efficiency. This is the responsibility of the student user, not the custodial staff.
To clean the lint trap:

  1. The lint trap is located at the bottom of the machine's entrance.
  2. Pull the trap upward by the tab.
  3. Scoop the lint out and throw it away.
  4. Return the trap.

Pull the lint trap out of the machine Scoop the lint out. Throw the lint away.

Follow clothing tags. Use proper machine settings based on your clothing's instructions. See the posters below for a list of symbols and their meaning.

Examples of laundry instruction symbols found on clothing.

Retrieve their clothes promptly. Do not make other students wait more than 10 minutes for you to unload your machine. Also, do not touch other people's laundry: this is rude. Contact a Resident Assistant during their office hours if clothes have been left in a machine for more than a day. RAs will remove the clothes. Laundry left unattended in the laundry room may be considered abandoned and will be confiscated, discarded, or donated.

a photo of a man waiting for a laundry machine.


Laundry posters with tips are in each laundry room.

Laundry tips poster

Download this poster as an accessible PDF.

Laundry tips poster

Download this poster as an accessible PDF.


Service and repair

To report a broken machine, call Facility Services at 319.895.4133 from 8 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. After hours emergencies can be reported to Campus Safety at 319.895.4299. You can also submit an online request for repair through the Facilities work order system.


Laundry machines are to be used at a student's own risk. The college is not liable for damage to items left in the laundry machines. Any missing items should first be reported to the building's Resident Assistant staff. Abandoned laundry may be collected and stored in the Resident Assistant office so machines become available for others. If items are not found, students should contact Campus Safety to report a possible theft incident.

Bedding and linens

Mattresses on campus are 36" by 80". They're sometimes referred to as "extra-long mattresses." Please make sure that you check the measurements of the sheets before purchasing them.