2024-2025 Fall Opening Information
Housing assignment information
New and transfer students should refer to the Admitted Students information to complete your housing preference form. This form is intended to help our staff determine your housing assignment and roommate. You can update your preferences as often as you would like through the end of the day of that last Sunday of June. To update your form, simply log back in and make your desired changes.
Most new student housing assignments (with residence hall room number and roommate contact information) will be sent the week of Monday, July 15 2024 to students' Cornell College email account. Any student who deposits after the initial round of letters are sent should expect their housing information within a week after depositing.
Returning student housing assignments were determined during the housing selection process last spring. Reminder emails will be sent the week of Monday, July 15, 2024 to students' Cornell College email account.
Move-in dates and times
For fall athletes and students in specialized orientation programs
Some students arrive on campus early to participate in preseason training for fall sports. Please follow the instructions sent directly to you or refer to the following:
For students in specialized orientation programs
Some new and transfer students arrive on campus early for specialized orientation sessions. Please follow the instructions sent directly to you or refer to the following:
For new students and transfer students
The residence halls open at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Students will be assigned to one of five arrival sessions to help alleviate congestion on the road and in hallways. A student's assigned session will be sent in early August to their school email address.
- Session #1: Begin move-in at 8:00 a.m.
- Session #2: Begin move-in at 9:00 a.m.
- Session #3: Begin move-in at 10:00 a.m.
- Session #4: Begin move-in at 11:00 a.m.
A copy of our move-in map will be available by August 2024. When you arrive in Mount Vernon, you will see signs directing you to check in at the Thomas Commons.
First, pick up your new-student essentials from the comfort of your car at the Thomas Commons during your arrival session time frame. Do not exit your vehicle. A carhop will bring your keys and new student ID to you. Once you receive your keys you will be directed to an unloading location near your building where volunteers will unload your belongings and help you take them to the room.
Please clearly mark your boxes and other items with your name and room number. Unmarked boxes may cause confusion. We encourage you to pack light and use reasonably-sized boxes as carrying really heavy things up the stairs can be difficult.
Students who are running late and not able to arrive by 1:30 p.m. are encouraged to contact the Office of Admissions for instruction on picking up keys and completing check-in.
After you move your items in, return to the Thomas Commons to continue your check-in experience.
For returning students
The residence halls open at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 24, 2024. Check-in for returning students will run from 9:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. Students should report directly to their assigned residence hall to obtain their room key from the Resident Assistant office. However, there are the following exceptions:
- Students living in 10th Avenue Apartments and Wilch Apartments will pick their keys up from the RA office at Russell Hall. Enter through the west parking lot entrance.
Move-in Tips
When moving in we ask that you please unload your vehicle entirely before unpacking. This will help ensure vehicles aren't left unattended in a fire lane and keep the front of the buildings clear for folks to unload close to the building. After you completely unload, please move and park your vehicle before returning to unpack and organize your room.
One family member will be asked to stay with the vehicle for the entirety of the unloading portion. This is to keep your car and belongings safe and to ensure it can be moved immediately for any reason like for an emergency vehicle.
Early arrival requests
The Office of Residence Life occasionally gets requests for students wanting to move in earlier than the dates listed above. Students deemed essential for opening the residence halls and/or for hosting New Student Orientation are permitted to check in on a date and time jointly established by the supervising department and Residence Life. Examples include resident assistant staff, peer advocate staff, and Thomas Commons staff (including some individuals who work at the Information Desk). Students in these groups should confirm their arrival dates and times with their supervisors. In addition, fall athletes have a different move-in process; student-athletes should consult with their coach if they have questions. In each of these cases, the supervising department will cover all housing and meal plan expenses for the student(s). All sponsored early arrivals should expect that the confirmed arrival dates and times reflect the earliest that they can check into the residence halls.
Students not with a sponsoring department, including those participating in New Student Orientation, should expect that the above dates reflect the earliest that they can check into the residence halls. With very rare exceptions, staff members from housekeeping, facilities, and residence life are preparing for the official opening days and are unable to accommodate early arrival requests from individuals not with a sponsoring department.
If extenuating circumstances exist that the student believes would warrant an earlier move-in day, then the student should contact their appropriate assistant director. Requests must be made at least three business days prior to the requested arrival date. All requests must be made by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 16. Requests that are not made three business days in advance of the requested arrival date, or by the deadline above, will not be considered for approval. If a request is approved and an exception is made, the student would be charged a daily early arrival fee for housing expenses (all charges would be applied directly to the student's account); the student would not have an active meal plan and so would need to pay on their own to eat in the Hilltop Café.
Meal plan information
All students need to select their meal plan preferences for the fall semester. Please refer to the meal plan selection information for more details.
The first meal served for all new student orientation participants will be lunch on Wednesday, August 21. Returning student's meal plans will begin with dinner on Saturday, August 24. Returning students who arrive earlier in the day on Saturday may purchase breakfast or lunch at the door.
ID card photos (for incoming new and transfer students only)
You will receive a Cornell identification (ID) card when you get to campus and you will be required to carry that at all times. We strongly suggest you submit your ID card photo in advance to skip longer lines for pictures on move-in day. Refer to ID Photo Submission information for details.
Living with a roommate
Students new to sharing a living space with another person should review our information on living with a roommate. This new and exciting experience is not without its growing moments. These tips, reviewed by students, may help make the most of your new home.
No Pets On Campus
Visiting pets are not permitted in the residence halls on move-in day. With the exception of fish, students may not have or maintain pets in campus residence halls, houses or apartments during the academic year. Note that service and assistance animals are not considered pets, but students must receive approval prior to bringing the animal to campus and thus living in a communal environment. Learn more about having service and assistance animals on campus.
Mailing your belongings to Cornell
Please refer to the information on mailing your belongings to campus.
Storage pods
Cornell College occasionally receives requests from students who want to use commercial storage pods as a means of moving their things in or out. The College can permit a limited number of storage pods to be stationed on campus. Requests will be honored in the order in which they are received. Refer to our information on storage pods for complete details.
Suggested packing list
Please refer to our list of what's provided and what to bring. This also includes a list of items that are not permitted in the residence halls.
Starting now, please be sure to reach out to your roommate to discuss who's bringing what, and also to have conversations about what you’ll expect of each other. Avoid bringing too many fridges, televisions, large furniture, or decorations by sharing your packing lists with each other.
Residence Hall Linens
Please refer to our information on beds and linens so that you can ensure that you purchase appropriate linens
Student parking on campus
Students interested in bringing a car to campus should refer to Campus Safety's information on student vehicle and parking regulations and complete Campus Safety's student parking registration form.
Getting to and from the airport
If you will be traveling and don't have a car, you can refer to a list of transportation suggestions compiled by the Thomas Commons Information Desk. There you will find the College's electronic need a ride board as well as information on commercial transportation opportunities.
Getting Involved
There are several things you can do to get more connected to the Cornell community. The Intramural and Wellness Program offers several activities from one-day tournaments to block-long leagues.
There are a number of social activities, service opportunities, and organizations that you can explore getting involved with.
We also encourage you to visit cornellcollege.edu/social to explore the various Cornell departments and organizations that are connecting with folks via social media.
Future Important Dates
Please see cornellcollege.edu/res-hall-dates for all important dates.
The residence halls do not close during fall or spring break. Students are welcome to stay in their rooms at no additional cost. Food service at the dining hall will be dependant on several factors including the number of students staying. The status of the dining hall will be announced a few weeks prior to each break. Please consider whether to stay if the dining hall will be closed.
All residence halls will close for Winter Break on Thursday at 11:00 am after Block 4 finals. Access to rooms will not be possible during winter break. Halls reopen at 9:00 am on the Sunday before Block 5 classes start in January. Halls will close for the academic year after finals in May. Non-graduating students must vacate their room by 11:00 am the Thursday after Block 8 finals. Graduating students will vacate by 5:00 pm on the Sunday of graduation.