Health and Safety Checks

Annual reviews for health or safety concerns inside resident rooms are conducted by the Residence Life staff within all residence halls. It is important to identify and correct concerns that could become fire hazards, cleanliness risks, or mechanical and facility concerns. Resident Assistants are ready to spot these risks and help students bring their room back into safety-focused compliance.

At a minimum, the following items will be checked during Health and Safety Checks. New items may be added every year. Please address any of these issues yourself at any time to be safe.

  • Power outlets are not overloaded with too many plugs or surge protectors.
  • Power outlets are not covered with flammable materials or not plugged in properly.
  • Surge protectors are not plugged into further surge protectors or using extension cords to extend their length further.
  • Smoke and particle density detectors are functioning properly and not obstructed.
  • Window screens are properly installed and functioning.
  • Room odors are not caused from health concerns such as that of forgotten garbage, clothing in need of washing, stale or rotten food, animal scents, etc.
  • Trash is not strewn about the room and trash cans are being utilized well.
  • Windows are not obstructed for use in case of escape.
  • Room heating and cooling systems, such as wall heaters or window units, are not obstructed so air can freely circulate the room as intended.
  • If there are bathrooms or kitchens in the residential room, that all surfaces are being cleaned and maintained for health and safety.
  • There are no policy violations in the room including prohibited items.

After a Resident Assistant checks a room, a summary of the review will be discussed with the student(s).

  • If concerns are fixed before the staff depart, then the room will pass and no further action is needed. 
  • If concerns require more time to fix, the staff will schedule a time to return at a later date to check and declare the room in safe compliance. No further action would then be needed.

If students fail to bring their room into health and safety compliance, staff will document the failure to comply and refer the students to the student conduct process for investigation of a policy violation. Health and safety checks are intended to be a collaborative and educational process. Student's cooperation is appreciated in our effort to make our halls safe for so many that live alongside each other.