Steel Drum Ensembles

Cornell’s active steel drum program is one of the most sought-after performing groups on campus. The program consists of 3 full bands and also has a program for beginners. The steel drum program has been a part of the Cornell College Music Department for 20 years and its bands have toured extensively throughout the U.S. and internationally.

Directed by Peter Grubisich, Panarchy and Pandemonium play a wide array of music from traditional calypso, contemporary rock, jazz, and even takes a page from some of the great works for orchestra. Featured along with the bands are Calypso Singers, directed by Dr. Christopher Nakielski. Enrollment in these groups is open to all Cornell students, regardless of major.

Their large-scale tours include performing before more than 500,000 audience members at Carnival in Nice, France, and most recently, performing in several Mardi Gras parades in New Orleans, LA. Proclaimed overwhelming successes and “once-in-a-lifetime” experiences, these tours enhanced the cultural lives of all the students involved.

The bands perform major concerts each semester and often perform in area schools and churches during the academic year. These ensembles have daily practices beginning at 5:15 p.m. and continuing into the early evening hours.

To request information and audition, contact