Cornell College Concert Bands

Cornell College Concert Band

The Cornell College Band program comprises two ensembles—the Wind Ensemble and the All-Campus Symphonic Band. Auditions are held for placement each fall during the first week of Block 1 classes, and as needed to fill openings in the Wind Ensemble during the first week of Block 5 classes. Both bands represent students of all majors and class standings from across campus, and many students from both bands are also involved in other music groups on campus such as the choirs, Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, and Steel Pans Ensembles, as well as athletics and many other clubs and activities.

Wind Ensemble

The Cornell College Wind Ensemble is the premier wind band on campus. This auditioned group performs a combination of the finest in new wind band music by a diverse array of composers and the best of the traditional wind band cannon. The Wind Ensemble performs at least two concerts a semester, as well as on regional recruitment and concert tours.

All-Campus Symphonic Band

The Cornell All-Campus Symphonic Band is an ensemble comprising musicians of all backgrounds and majors from the students, faculty, and staff of Cornell College and exceptional high school students from the surrounding area. The Symphonic Band also plays a diverse combination of excellent music by living composers as well as traditional wind band classics in one to two concerts a semester. Membership in the Symphonic Band is open to all students with previous band experience. Contact Dr. Joshua Neuenschwander for more information about participating in the Cornell College bands.

View the repertoire performed since fall 2021 by the Cornell College bands.

Band auditions

Start the audition process by filling out the Cornell Bands Audition Form

Audition materials for fall 2024