Section 9.6: Paying for Programs

While there are a number of programming ideas that can be completed free of charge, there will be a time in which staff may need to purchase items for the events they host.  As you make purchases please keep in mind that Cornell College is eligible for a sales tax-exemption.  The tax exempt form is available to print by going to the following webpage: Be sure to present a copy of this tax exempt form to the cashier prior to your purchase.  If you don’t present the form you may be responsible for reimbursing the college for any tax amount that is assessed.

Paying for programs

Each residential floor is allotted a programming fund to be used for helping develop the community.  Money from this fund can be accessed in a number of different ways:

  • You may choose to pay with your own money and then seek reimbursement later.
  • Supervisors can make purchases for you at Sam’s Club or Gary’s.
  • If you need to make a very large and/or on-line purchase talk with your supervisor about options that are available.

Steps for programming reimbursement

  1. Talk to your supervisor about your program idea and any materials that you may need.
  2. Once you get the go-ahead to put on your program, make a shopping list of all the items to purchase. (Please know that purchases made for programs that aren’t approved will not be eligible to be reimbursed)
  3. Go shopping for what’s on your list and be sure to get a receipt (you cannot be reimbursed without this).
  4. After you complete your program fill out the appropriate programming form.
  5. Submit the form and take the receipt to your supervisor for review within 30 days of the program.
  6. If everything is in order your supervisor will approve the receipt, sign it and turn it into the Residence Life Office.
  7. The Residence Life Office will process the receipt and submit it to the Division of Business and Enterprise Services.
  8. Once the Division of Business and Enterprise Services Office finalizes the reimbursement they will either direct deposit it into your account or if you haven’t signed up for that option they will send the check to your campus mailbox.

Other things to consider

  • There will be some turn-around time between when the receipt is processed and when the reimbursement will be ready, so please plan accordingly.
  • Should you need anything from Sam’s Club or Gary’s you must make shopping arrangements in advance of your program with a supervisor.
  • Due to federal tax exempt regulations, personal items should never be included on the same receipt as programming purchases.  If you want to save time and a trip by purchasing personal items at the same time as your programming materials, please be sure to separate your items when checking out and ask the cashier for a separate receipt. 
  • RAs will only be reimbursed up to the amount remaining in your floor’s programming fund allocation.  If you have a programming idea that’s cost will be more than the amount remaining in the fund please talk with your supervisor. 
  • Don’t forget to use the resource room for supplies first before purchasing new items.
  • If you turn in a receipt later than 30 days from your program, you may not receive a reimbursement.