Section 9.2: Types of Programs & the Programming Model

The Programming Model

Our programming model is inspired by the 9 Educational Priorities and Outcomes as presented by the College.

  • Critical Thinking
    • Knowledge
      • Students will integrate and apply knowledge from a focused area of study as well as a broad general education which includes disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences.
    • Inquiry
      • Students will respond to  the complexities of contemporary and enduring problems using information literacy tools, research skills, creative thinking, and analysis.
    • Reasoning
      • Students will evaluate evidence; interpret data; and use logical, mathematical, and statistical problem-solving tools.

  • Communication
    • Students will speak and write clearly, listen and read actively, and engage with others in productive dialogue.
  • Intercultural literacy
    • Students will connect with diverse ideas and with people whose experiences differ from their own and that may be separated from them by time, space, or culture.

  • Ethical behavior
    • Students will recognize personal, academic, and professional standards and act with integrity.

  • Citizenship
    • Students will collaborate with others and contribute in their communities and the larger world.

  • Vocation
    • Students will discover and prepare for the range of opportunities and challenges that await them beyond their college experience.

  • Well-being
    • Students will respect the ways physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual well-being may contribute to a balanced life.

Resident Community Interactions

Touch base with each resident on your floor every block at least once.  These conversations could ensure residents know you know they exist and are only a short walk away in case of any needs. Consider chatting about their goals for their personal, social and academic development. Ask how they are doing and how they are spending time with friends. Gather interests that you may not know about them so you can help plan your future programming. Always remind them that you are there to assist and are only a door knock away.

Best RAs take confidential notes about important conversations in a manner that works for them. This helps them keep track of important dates, life events, friend group connections, and other details to plan smarter. Be sure that you don't share any private information with others and always protect your notes.

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards are a helpful resource and a great way to connect with residents. Bulletin board ideas and topics should be creative, interesting, and relate back to a theme that your floor will be focusing on for that particular block.  Part of the bulletin board should be informative and a portion of the board should provide an opportunity for passive interaction between residents.  Also, it's always a good idea to find ways to talk with residents directly about what's posted and try to tie the information from your bulletin boards back into your weekly traditions or community builders.

Examples include: study skills, resident name word search, dress for success tips, social media safety

All-hall Programs

All-hall programs are active community building activities where an entire staff works together to plan an activity that meets the needs of the students in their respective areas.  Each staff member should have an active role in planning the activity, and should be in attendance.

Examples include: Rock the Vote, Res Hall Olympics, disability dinner, community service project, Halloween party, valentines day party, holiday party, garage sales, etc.

Door Decorations

Door Decorations are personalized tags that help residents identify their room and also create a sense of community and connectedness amongst floor members. Door decorations can be as artistic and intriguing as you’d like them to be as long as they’re more than just a name printed on a sheet of paper.

Examples include:  Welcome mats, home state outlines, CD covers, puzzle pieces, seasonal symbols.