Section 5.5: Work Orders/Maintenance Requests

In general College personnel are available to provide service for anything that is college owned. Staff should submit work requests as soon as possible after being notified of any potential issues. Please be sure to be as descriptive as possible when submitting requests as that will help  ensure a timely response.

Please be sure to follow-up with the residents to let them know you’ve submitted their request. Also it’s a good idea to check-in with them occasionally until the work request has been completed. This not only helps us from an administrative aspect, but in the case a repair has to be put on hold or a new part has to be ordered we’ll be able to get information and updates to the residents more quickly. There’s also value in checking in one more time shortly after the work has been completed to make sure things are still functioning properly and that no other concerns have come up. 

Facility Concerns

When a resident informs you of a facilities concern try to assess the situation first before submitting the work request. This will give you a better idea of whether it’s an emergency situation or not, and you be able to provide a better description of the work that needs completed.

Examples of emergency situations include fire/smoke damage, floods/water leaks, natural gas odor, broken glass, etc.  If you determine that the situation is an emergency that would require immediate attention please call the Office of Residence Life or the Office of Facilities Services directly during business hours.  Emergencies that occur outside of business hours should be referred to the Campus Safety staff.  

In a non-emergency situation, or if the repair would be considered routine maintenance, please submit the information using the appropriate maintenance request form.

Be sure when you submit the work request that you are providing great detail. Saying “a chair is broken in room 210” is not as helpful as saying “there is an approximately two-inch long crack in the front, right side leg of the desk chair that is located by the desk on the right side of the room underneath the window.” 

Other work requests

For any work requests not related to facilities issues please refer to the Services and Repair Requests page on the Residence Life website for additional details on how to best resolve these issues.