Section 5.3: Duty Logs

Duty logs not only help you track what’s been going on in the building each night, but also help the other staff members get a sense of what’s been happening leading up to their duty nights.  The log is a good place to list notes regarding concerns you have or interactions you've had that the rest of the staff should be aware of.  Each staff member should review each log prior to their next duty night.  RAs should begin filling out the log while on duty and complete the log after they finish their last rounds.  While the duty log can be a place to list notes about fun and interesting things that are happening in the buildings, please be sure to keep comments as professional and mature as possible. 

Each ADRL will provide additional information regarding the format of duty log they wish to use in their respective area. When the form is sent out the ADRL for that area, Judy Goetschius and the other RAs in the building will recieve it.