Section 5.2: Programming Forms

Effective programming in the residence halls requires that staff not only spend time planning before their event, but that they also take time afterward to assess its success.  For each program you are planning to host one person from your team must submit a proposal form using RAMpage 7 days prior to the program and await approval from your supervisor. Your supervisor will use this data to provide you with feedback where necessary. 

Once you receive approval and complete your program, one person from your team needs to complete a RAMpage self-evaluation form. This data will be used to provide additional feedback and also to track your programming efforts over the course of the academic year.

Someone from your team also needs to send a RAMpage program evaluation form to the residents who attended. This data will be used to access resident satisfaction, department effectiveness, and possibly inform budget decisions.

When filling out your program proposals and evaluations it is important to be sure your event is well thought out and you're including great detail.  Please know that your programming forms may be compiled and made available to other RAs should they want to host a similar event with their community.