Section 5.1: Community Development Log

The community development log is designed to help staff be more intentional with how they interact with  individual students and the floor community as a whole.  Using the community development log will help RAs assess what’s been going well and positively impacting the community, as well as the issues that may be having a negative impact.  This is also a space to discuss programs and ideas for bringing the community together and how to best address resident needs.  Staff will also spend some time reflecting on their performance and setting personal and professional goals for the upcoming block.

Each ADRL will provide information on the log format that will be used in their area.  RAs should plan to bring their community development log with them to their one-on-one, and may be asked to submit their form up to twenty-four hours in advance.  During your one-on-one meeting your ADRL will review the information and work with you to develop a plan that best meets your communities needs, as well as provide you feedback regarding your performance appraisal.