Section 4.13: Situations Involving Police

Occasionally situations will arise in which law enforcement will come to the residence halls to question or arrest a student or search a student room.  Whenever possible, these law enforcement agencies will try to inform Campus Safety, and the Student Affairs Staff Member On-Call may be present.  However, if you notice a law enforcement official in the residence halls, its a good idea to notify Campus Safety. 

If during the course of responding to an incident it becomes necessary to call law enforcement, please know they will assume control of the scene.  In situations where the police are called to campus staff should:

  • Immediately identify yourself as an RA.
  • Provide any pertinent information while also respecting the right to confidentiality for those involved.
  • Accompany the officer to the student’s room.
  • If the officers possess an arrest or search warrant, wait until the On Call Staff Member arrives to open the door. You will NEVER open a student room.
  • Identify the students for the officers.
  • Attempt to keep students from gathering in the hallway and interfering in the situation.
  • Cooperate fully with the officers on the scene.  Follow their instructions and assist them however possible.
  • If the officer, Campus Safety or a professional staff member dismisses you from the scene please remain around the RA office until you know the incident is over so that you can easily be contacted if needed again.
  • Follow up with an incident report turned in the following workday detailing the events that transpired.