Section 3.6: Training and Development Opportunities

Fall Training

Staff will participate in a nearly two week long, comprehensive training program prior to the start of Block One. Through in-office and guest presentations, interactive sessions, ice breakers/team builders and simulated scenarios, staff will have the opportunity to bond with each other and practice the skills and knowledge needed in order to be an effective leader and resource within the residence halls. This is an intensive, welcoming, and supportive environment that is meant to teach skills, forge bonds, and build confidence.

Winter Training

Prior to the start of Block Five, staff will return for a one-day refresher and deeper-dive training program. During this time staff, will have the opportunity to reconnect with each other as well as discuss topics based on prior training assessments, RA personal requests, and current student trends from the first semester.

Monthly In-Service and All-Staff Meeting

Once a month, usually during an existing staff meeting date and time, all area staffs come together for a joint meeting. Over the course of this meeting, staff will have a chance to connect with those from other areas. They will discuss any important business and upcoming events from the department or College that could benefit from candid discussion. Also, there will typically be a short training/development activity or special guest presentation regarding advance skills that will include question-and-answer time for clarity and retention.