Example 3 - Search Report Process Guide

Characteristics to note in this process guide:

  • This form can provide substance to the brief structured interview type of assessment described in the previous section. It is formative, providing feedback to both the student and the librarian.
  • This form is given to students by the librarian after they have had a group instruction session geared to their specific assignment.
  • After conducting and recording searches, strategies, and results on this form, each student consults individually with a librarian.
  • Self-reporting helps students become aware of the steps in their search process.

Individual consultations based on the students’ reported strategies allow the librarian to tailor recommendation for refining searches to each student’s needs.

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Initial Topic: _________________________________________________________________________

Revised Topic: (if applicable):____________________________________________________________

Research is a recursive process in which we search, revise our search strategy, search again, refine our strategy, etc.  Fill in the grid below for each search you perform to track your process. Bring this completed form when you meet with your librarian.  

Date of search Tool used (e.g. EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier, General Science Abstracts, etc.) Search terms (write exactly what you typed) Number of results Search limits (e.g. title or author fields, timeframe, subject) Evaluation of results (e.g. focused on my topic, length of articles, relevance of publication year, scholarly/popular, suitable number, article type, etc.

Final Topic: _____________________________________________________________