Course Syllabi

Syllabi at Cornell must include certain pieces, laid out in part by the Faculty Handbook.  This page collects those requirements into a single place for quick reference.  As with all educational documents, syllabi must be accessible and compliant with Section 508 standards.  For assistance, see our guide for creating accessible documents.

You can view examples of Cornell syllabi on the Registrar's page, to see how learning objectives and other items are being integrated into syllabi on campus.

Syllabus Template

Cornell College instructors can use the syllabus template, which contains selected elements of an effective syllabus, as well as recommended language related to College policies and resources. Content should be customized to fit the course, but language may be directly copied from this document.

Syllabi Requirements

All Cornell College instructors must post a course syllabus no later than the first day of each class they teach, on the Cornell College web site.  This syllabus should be posted to the Cornell College web site via Moodle; where it will be pulled automatically to the Registrar's page. Directions for posting to Moodle will follow this section. The syllabus must contain (at least) the following information:

  1. Instructor’s name, office location and contact information (telephone and e-mail address).
  2. Required texts (title, authors, and edition) and other required course materials.
  3. A description of the course and major course objectives including learning objectives related to the Educational Priorities and Outcomes of the College. Examples of integrating and connecting the EPOs to your course goals and objectives.  
  4. Course requirements (such as major assignments, deadlines, exams, and required prerequisites) and policies (if any) pertaining to attendance, assignments, and exams.
  5. A statement about the grading process and criteria.
  6. Class meeting times. Reference the Faculty Handbook for Class and Office Hours.
  7. Statements on the following:
    1. Academic Honesty expectations. This must include the following statement:

      Cornell College expects all members of the Cornell community to act with academic integrity. An important aspect of academic integrity is respecting the work of others. A student is expected to explicitly acknowledge ideas, claims, observations, or data of others, unless generally known. When a piece of work is submitted for credit, a student is asserting that the submission is their work unless there is a citation of a specific source. If there is no appropriate acknowledgement of sources, whether intended or not, this may constitute a violation of the College’s requirement for honesty in academic work and may be treated as a case of academic dishonesty. The procedures regarding how the College deals with cases of academic dishonesty appear in The Catalogue, under the heading “Academic Honesty."
    2. Students with disabilities. This must include the following statement:

      Cornell College makes reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities.  Students should notify the Coordinator of Disability Services and their course instructor of any disability related accommodations within the first three days of the term for which the accommodations are required, due to the fast pace of the block format.  For more information on the documentation required to establish the need for accommodations and the process of requesting the accommodations, see
    3. A summary statement of how the course supports the Educational Priorities and Outcomes of the College.

      Sample Summary Statement

       This course supports the Educational Priorities and Outcomes of Cornell College with emphases on knowledge, communication, and intercultural literacy.

Additional policies and requirements (if any) should be noted.

Posting Your Syllabus to Moodle 

Click on the image below to watch a video about uploading your syllabus and other files. the video will open in a new window. To return to this page, close the window.

Cllcking on this image will play an instructional video

Uploading Your Syllabus to Moodle (PDF) 
Opens in a new window. To return to this page, close the window.