Resources for Faculty Frequently Asked Questions
How do I place items on reserve for my students?
View Cole Library reserve policies and procedures. Reserve services in the library are very popular. Hence, we really appreciate cooperation from faculty to make the system work well. Here are a few tips:
- To be sure your reserves are available when your students need them, please deliver them to the library by the Thursday before the term begins.
- The library does not place items owned by other libraries on reserve including books, DVDs, CDs, etc. If you have a title you want for your class and we do not own it, see a librarian about having us acquire it.
- For more information about copyright and reserves, take a look at Copyright in the Classroom.
- We encourage faculty to use Moodle for placing on electronic-reserve articles that are available through the library databases. Contact the Academic Technology Studio for assistance.

How do I request that the Library buy a book I would like them to own?
We are eager to hear suggestions from faculty about books we should own. Contact the consulting librarian for your Academic Division:
Natural Sciences & Kinesiology: Amy Gullen
Education, Performing Arts, & Humanities: Jen Rouse
Social Sciences, History, and Archives: Meghan Yamanishi
Visual Arts: Greg Cotton
Can I access Cornell's online databases from home?
Yes! Just follow your usual path to the database; if you are off campus, you'll be prompted for your Cornell ID and your last name.
How can I get help with Audiovisual technology for my classroom?
For projectors, laptops, DVD players, digital cameras, contact Matt Zhorne in the AV Services Office.
How do I get special privileges for borrowing from the University of Iowa?
Your Cornell ID card will give you borrowing privileges at the University of Iowa.
- An Iowa driver's license, state-issued Iowa identification card, or a Cornell identification card plus proof of your current residential address (e.g., a piece of mail with your Mt. Vernon address) is appropriate verification of eligibility for a Borrower's Permit, which are available:
- At the UI Main Library during Access Services' hours; and
- At departmental branch libraries from 8 - 5, Monday - Friday.
- All library material may be used on-site.
- The following items may be checked out: bound periodicals (1-week loan period); storage periodicals (4-weeks loan period); and open-stacks books (4-weeks loan period, 2 weeks for Hardin Library materials).
- 25 items may be checked out at any one time.
- There are no recall, search, or order privileges.
Are there data sets that I could access to give my students experience at working with statistical information?
Cornell subscribes to ICPSR, the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. ICPSR maintains and provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction. Search by keyword or browse by subject area for data files that can be downloaded and analyzed via SPSS, SAS, STATA, and Excel (smaller files only). Please contact Jessica Johanningmeier or Greg Cotton with questions.