College Affordability Resources
Making college affordable
Your students and the families of your students most likely have a lot of questions about how they can pay for college while limiting the amount of student loan debt accrued. Cornell College has initiated Cornell's student loan partnership and we award merit scholarships to make our distinct college education affordable. We've also compiled financial aid resources for you to use when advising students.

How Cornell makes college affordable
College affordability is one of the most important considerations when selecting a college for students and their families. We also know that college affordability isn’t always equitable and that’s why we have developed different aid initiatives to achieve our goal of a more inclusive and affordable college experience.

Net Price Calculator
Help your families out by walking them through the process of using a college's net price calculator. You can use estimates of their real finances or simply use averages to show how the math behind the costs is broken down.

Calculate student loan payments
Borrowing student loans to help pay for a college education may seem scary. Demonstrate to families and your students how they can estimate their future student loan payments. Based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, higher education leads to higher incomes and lower rates of unemployment.
All about the FAFSA
Share these FAFSA resources when advising your students and their families. And for fun, share our playlist for filing the FAFSA. Read additional FAFSA instructions from our Financial Assistance team.

Chris Ndjungu
Pastor and nonprofit leader
Bridge Builders, InExcelsis, Espoir Foundation
St. Louis, MO
Still have questions?
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our financial assistance team. We’re always available to answer any questions you or your students may have about the Cornell College financial aid process.