Plan Your Marketing Project

From a multimedia campaign to a simple invitation, Marketing and Communications will work with you on a strategy to meet your goals. For best results, bring us in at the planning stage so we can offer the full range of resources, including:

  • Web strategies and content development
  • Print material
  • Printing services on campus or off campus (depending on volume and specifications)
  • Photography and videography
  • Social media campaigns
  • Media coverage
  • Customized promotional merchandise
  • College email communications
  • College SMS (texted) communications

Guidelines and additional resources

Please refer to our guidelines for project planning for more information on our process and the estimated lead times we'll need. For projects where you just need a good foundation template to get you started, please refer to our self-serve resources.

For marketing collateral requests, please email with an outline of your goals and desired timeline to start a discussion about your project and implementation. Note that projects generally require at a minimum of a two week lead time and may require more based on complexity or workload at busy times of the year.