Supporting Your Research

Online Resources for Faculty

It is the mission of Cole Library and the Center for Teaching and Learning to engage students in exploring ideas. We foster in student the skills and dispositions to access, evaluate, use, and communicate information to solve problems, make decisions, and generate new knowledge.  

About Learners

Marist Mindset List
The list is a general statement of the experiences and events that shaped the view of the world maintained by entering students. It provides some insight into the students we are teaching.

VARK—A Learning Style Questionnaire
Your students can respond to a questionnaire that helps them assess their own learning. Not a comprehensive learning style inventory, VARK is about one learning preference--our preference for taking in and putting out information in a learning context.

About Teaching

The Critical Thinking Community
The “Library/Articles” section offers brief articles on various topics related to pedagogy and critical thinking.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
An online tutorial provides an introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL)
The CASTL Program seeks to support the development of a scholarship of teaching and learning that: fosters significant, long-lasting learning for all students; enhances the practice and profession of teaching, and; brings to faculty members' work as teachers the recognition and reward afforded to other forms of scholarly work.

Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching—Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
A succinct overview of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning offers examples of SoTL projects, publishing venues, and articles from the SoTL literature.

Teaching about Thinking
Includes teaching strategies and tips for encouraging thinking and reflection in the classroom.


McMaster University Center for Leadership in Learning
"Only the curious will learn and only the resolute will overcome the obstacles to learning.”
An introduction to inquiry-based learning describes what constitutes good questions, why inquiry-based learning is important, and how to implement inquiry-based learning in various disciplines.

Technology for Teaching and Learning

Visible Knowledge Project
The Visible Knowledge Project (VKP) aims to improve the quality of college and university teaching by focusing on both student learning and faculty development in technology-enhanced environments.

Innovate is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed online journal that features articles on the use of information technology in education. The journal routinely features articles on a variety of uses of technology in higher education. It also provides discussion forums and live webcasts for each of its articles.

Through the ACM, Cornell is a member of the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education. This organization offers a wide range of faculty development opportunities for its member institutions. If an event is of interest, please contact Cornell’s NITLE liaison, Greg Cotton.

Service Learning/Civic Engagement

Campus Compact
Cornell College is a member of this national coalition of nearly 1,100 college and university presidents — representing some 6 million students — dedicated to promoting community service, civic engagement, and service-learning in higher education.

National Service Learning Clearninghouse
A variety of resources, examples, and publishing and award opportunities are provided here.

Teaching Writing

An Introduction to Writing Across the Curriculum— Colorado State University
Provides succinct responses to many faculty questions about integrating writing into courses.

Dartmouth Writing—Resources for Faculty
The Dartmouth Writing Program’s website offers high-quality resources for teaching writing in the context of courses across all disciplines.

Quantitative Reasoning

Quantitative Reasoning for College Graduates
The Mathematical Association of America provides a set of descriptive standards for college graduates.