Materials for Faculty

Matt, Amy, and Erin can work with you in any class in which students use technology. Specifically, we can

  • visit your class to conduct mini-lessons and workshops on a variety of technology-based topics (such as website creation, podcasting, sound editing, poster design, and video editing)
  • visit your class to introduce students to Studio services
  • meet one-on-one with students or in groups to discuss their projects or classwork involving technology
  • consult with you about technology assignments
  • consult with you about incorporating technology into existing assignments or classes

Technology is an everyday part of life, and we strive to find ways to incorporate it into courses in a meaningful way that supports subject area learning instead of distracting from it.

Please visit the "Materials for Students" section of this website for more information about our service offerings for students

Guidelines for Working with Consultants

  • contact consultants early--preferably before a given block begins--to discuss course plans and to arrange for instruction, workshop facilitation, etc.
  • provide consultants with assignment descriptions, syllabi, and other relevant documentation
  • meet with consultants to discuss expectations, class demographic, etc.