Open Field Submission Guidelines

The deadline for Cornell students to submit original poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and artwork (including photographs, drawings, comics, and more) to Open Field is January 19, 2024. 

All creative writing submissions will be considered for awards in the Department of English and Creative Writing, including the Tom Garst Prize for Poetry, Clyde C. Tull Prose Prize, and Academy of American Poets Prize, (which includes $100 and membership in the Academy).

Submit your work here. Please be sure to read the specific submission requirements by clicking on "More" next to each category on Submittable. All submissions will be reviewed anonymously.

Editorial Staff 2023-2024:

Managing editor and copyeditor: Isabella Anderson

Designer: Smriti Neupane

Poetry editor: Kylie Berry

Prose editor: Ken Roden

Art editor: Safi Aminu

Publicist: Bianca Rodriguez-Oquend

Assistant editor: Zoe Sands

Selection Committee: To Be Determined (apply here)

Faculty Advisor: Professor Rebecca Entel