Bicycles on Campus & Purple Bike Program

Cornell College purple bikes

Purple Bike Program

Explore the beautiful city of Mount Vernon outside of the confines of a car. Grab a friend and stop by the info desk to CHECK OUT a Purple Bike! The one speed road bikes are available to students at no cost! Take a spin around campus, ride into town, or check out the places to go and things to do in Mount Vernon by exploring the city outside of the campus.

Purple bikes can be checked out at the information desk in the Thomas Commons.

Purple Bike Shop

Have a bike in need of repair? Student workers offer minor bike maintenance and repairs to the campus community. Labor is free, however, parts must be supplied by the bike owner. The Purple Bikes Bike Shop is located in the basement of Bowman Carter, directly off the Ped Mall (The Bike shop is not staffed during the summer).

The Purple Bikes and Bike Shop are a collaborative effort of Cornell College Campus Safety and Student Senate. Student staff operate and staff the Purple Bikes Bike Shop. Questions or comments regarding the Purple Bike Shop or Program, contact them at

Bike Parking

Please do not secure or place any bikes (Cornell Purple Bike or personal) up against trees, railings, lamp posts or buildings on campus. Bikes found as such will be removed by Campus Safety. Any bike not claimed within 60 days becomes the property of Cornell College. This policy is in place to avoid damaging campus property and to provide clear and safe routes in and out of buildings and across campus. For more information Contact the Director of Campus Safety at 319-895-4299.

Winter Bike Storage

Campus Safety is pleased to announce that we will begin providing secure indoor bike storage for residential students during the winter months.

  • Bike storage will begin November 1, 2024 and all bikes must be removed from storage by the end of March.
  • Any bikes left after March, Campus Safety will notify owner via email. Failure to claim bike within 60 days of notice will result in the bike becoming property of Cornell College.
  • Bikes may not be stored over the summer.
  • All bikes must be registered with Campus Safety to be stored. Registration is available at the Purple Bikes Bike Shop, located in the basement of Bowman-Carter, off the Ped Mall, or in the Campus Safety Office.
To Store Your Bike:
  1. Bring your bike to the Purple Bike Shop, located in the lower level of Bowman-Carter by Friday, November 18
  2. Shop is open, Monday through Friday, 3:30 to 5 p.m.
  3. Check in your bike with the on-duty Bike Shop staff member
  4. To store your bike after November 18, bring it to the Campus Safety Office from 4 to 8 p.m.
  5. A Campus Safety officer or Bike Shop staff member will place bike in and remove from storage area.
  6. All bikes will be required to be registered, free of charge, if not already. Complete our Bike Registration form.