Transferring After a Gap Year

Cornell's scenic campus is home to many gap year students.

You took a gap year, now what?

Now that your gap year (or two) is over, we hope you're ready to explore transferring to Cornell!

Explore on your own

To prepare for a conversation about attending Cornell, we suggest you take some time to look at the following resources to prepare for a conversation with our Transfer Coordinator. 

Connect with our transfer coordinator

When you have questions about the transfer process, Sharon Grice is our campus representative that can walk you through the steps needed to complete your bachelor's degree. She is an expert at answering questions about the transfer process. And she will have some questions for you too—you can prepare for the conversation by:

  • Thinking about what you liked about college before your gap year and what might have been challenging that you'd like to improve upon now?
  • Consider: did you learn anything about yourself during your gap year that you want to apply to your college experience?
  • Do you know when you want to start college again? Spring or fall semester?
  • Getting an unofficial transcript from your previous college to share with us so we can do a transfer credit evaluation with you.

When you meet with Sharon she will be able to answer your questions about Cornell and review your transcripts in a transfer credit evaluation. You can quickly find out what courses will transfer  so you'll be better prepared to plan out the rest of the courses you'll need to take to graduate. You can start the process by emailing or call or text Sharon at 319.774.8141.