Individualized Majors

Take the lead in your education by creating your own major. The individualized major gives you the opportunity to combine your interests so that you can shape your education to your goals.

Why create an individualized major

Individualized majors are all about you and your passions.

If you know exactly what you want to do after college, an individualized major can ensure that you take all of the right classes to prepare you for your goals.

And if you don’t know what you want to do after college, an individualized major gives you the opportunity to explore your interests, discover your greatest passions, and lead you to a greater understanding of what you want in a career.

Recent individualized majors

  • Sports management
  • Communication studies
  • Disability studies
  • Creative and political social advocacy
  • Public relations and marketing
  • Zoology
  • Sports journalism

Requirements of an individualized major

Creating an individualized major begins by forming a faculty committee of three professors from at least two different disciplines. Under their guidance, you determine the required courses for your major, including a capstone experience.

Creating your own major does not change the degree you earn—as long as you complete all of the general education requirements, you will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts. Or if you choose, you can earn a Bachelor of Special Studies.

Adding another major

If you pursue an individualized major, you still have the option to seek a second major. And the flexibility of the One Course At A Time curriculum allows you to change direction mid-semester, so if you discover a new interest, you don’t have to wait to change gears.

Marketing your individualized major

You can list your individualized major like any other major on a resume—for example, Bachelor of Arts in Peace and Conflict Studies.

When applying for a job or graduate study, explain what you did and why that matters (or could benefit) the prospective employer or graduate program. For example, in a personal statement, cover letter, or interview, you can highlight your ambition and creativity in working with faculty to create a personal program of study that fits your interests and goals.

The Berry Career Institute is available to help you learn how to talk about your individualized major, and your Cornell College experience as a whole, so that you can best present the information to potential employers and graduate schools.

If you have questions about creating an individualized major, contact the Office of the Registrar

Read additional details on the individualized major.