Overall Attendance Submission Instructions

Students presenting in art classroom.

Entering attendance in Self-Service

All course instructors must submit their class roster by noon on the fourth day of the block using Self-Service. Please remember that your roster in Self-Service is the official roster, regardless of what you can see in Moodle.

Download PDF Instructions   Attendance Reporting Policy

  1. Log in to Self-Service, to submit your roster (Not Moodle). 
  2. Choose the Classes tab
  3. Choose the Course Management tab
  4. Navigate to your course using the Period (block) and Course dropdowns 
  5. Choose Overall Attendance from the left menu. This will show you a list of your students.
  6. For each student there is a dropdown menu in their record. Choose “attended at least 1 session” or “Never attended” for each student.
  7. There is also an option to enter the “Last date attended” for each student in the course by choosing the calendar icon, which opens a calendar for you to choose the date the student last attended your course. 
    • If the student has been marked as “Never Attended”, you do not need to fill out the “Last date attended”.
    • If you select a last date attended, click OK to submit the date.
  8. After you have marked the attendance for each student in your roster, select Save to submit your overall attendance.

If there are students who are attending your class that are not listed on the Self-Service roster, please email registrar@cornellcollege.edu with the student’s name and the course number they are attending.


Contact registrar@cornellcollege.edu or 319-895-4347.