2025-2026 Off-Campus Studies Courses

map of locations for 2025-26 Courses

Cornell's One Course At A Time schedule provides ample opportunities to study for a block off-campus. You may either choose to travel domestically or internationally.

Ingenuity in Action funding

Apply for Ingenuity in Action funding for off-campus study via the InAct Portal by April 4, 2025.

Course deposits

A nonrefundable deposit of $150 is due April 11, 2025 for all 25-26 off-campus courses to reserve your seat in the course. Payment information will be emailed out following your registration.


Block 1

GER 265: The Alps: Culture, Economics, Ecology
Professor: Tyler Carrington

Destinations: Austria, Italy, Switzerland

The Alps loom large over the European continent, quite literally dwarfing the many cities and villages that make up western Europe, to say nothing of the comparatively tiny humans who trek up these mountains by the millions each year. But this famed mountain range also figures centrally in the European imagination and in fact coheres an entire region all its own. Indeed, the Alpine region is more cohesive and uniform than we might think, especially since it spans at least six different countries. Interestingly, culture, economy, and ecology in the Alps is remarkably consistent, and Alpine “tradition” and “innovation” are fascinating windows into the dynamics of this fabled region.

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Block 2

THE 348: Theatre and the Arts in New York City
Professor: Scott Olinger

Destination: New York City, USA

The study of American art and culture, focusing particularly on theatrical performance, opera, and dance. Typically includes backstage tours, museum and gallery visits, and workshops with local actors, designers, and other theatre artists. Taught in New York City. Prerequisite: writing-designated course (W) and THE 201.

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Block 3

SPA 103: Beginning Spanish III
Professor: Juana New Gavidia

Destination: Bolivia

SPA 103 is the last course of a three-term sequence of beginning-level Spanish language at Cornell College. Students in this class will travel to Bolivia and get to know the language and the culture of this wonderful country. Bolivia is famous for its contrasting geographies, rich biodiversity, and culinary traditions. It is also a plurinational state and the country with the largest Indigenous population in the Americas. We will stay in the city of Sucre (designated by Unesco as a World Heritage Site), tour the countryside, the salt flats of Uyuni, the Indigenous market of Tarabuco, and travel to Potosí, once the most rich, cosmopolitan, and developed city in the Americas. Students will learn Spanish with native Bolivian teachers. They will stay in the homes of Bolivian families at walk distance from the school, located in the colonial center of Sucre. In the afternoon, students will have the opportunity to explore the city, visit historical settings, and participate in cultural activities.

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Block 4

ANT 249/ SOC 249: Traditional Culture and Contemporary Issues in Japan
Professors: Erin Davis, Tori Barnes-Brus

Destination: Japan

This course examines the interconnections between Japanese cultural traditions and contemporary social issues. Although a major goal of this course is to provide a broad introduction to Japanese culture and society, issues and public policies related to gender, national identity, and health and well-being will be emphasized. Specific topics may include: gender roles, work and family life; intimate relationships; mental health; public health; interpersonal violence; ethnicity and immigration; the juxtaposition of traditional and popular culture; and current challenges.

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ECB 334: Traveling Economists in China Seminar
Professor: Todd Knoop

Destination: China

Students will understand the incredible economic development of China over the course of the last two generations within the context of a global economy in which extreme poverty is still common, and global inequality between countries is increasing by some measures. There is no better setting to obtain a deeper understanding of growth, poverty, and economic development than China today. We will examine both the theoretical and empirical foundations that shape the way economists understand economic growth in China and around the globe. We will talk with local experts in Chinese development and business, visit local Chinese firms and factories, have a class exchanges with Chinese college students studying at Shanghai’s East China Normal University, a travel to the two major economic powerhouse cities of China—Shanghai and Beijing—but also visit western, rural, and poorer parts of China that still define the lives of most Chinese today.

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Block 5

REL 388: Seminar in Perspectives on Religion
Professor: Steven Sacks

Destination: Chicago, USA

This course is devoted to advanced academic research, which will include development of relevant skills pertaining to the production of knowledge in the Humanities, including work with primary materials, mastery of discourse in a sub-discipline of expertise, writing and oral presentation.

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Block 6

EDU 261: Comparative Education in Europe
Professor: Beth Globokar

Destinations: Germany & Spain

Travel to Germany and Spain, spending time in schools in both countries to understand their structures, policies and practices in comparison to the school systems of the US. Gain insights into the different socal, cultural, and historical foundations of each country’s school systems. Students will spend time in an elementary school in the Lower Saxony region of Germany while staying in the quaint German city of Verden, outside of Hamburg and south of Bremen. Students will explore Hamburg as a part of their German experience. Students will travel to Madrid, Spain, where they will spend time in the charter/bilingual schools of Madrid. During the time in Spain, students will explore sites in and around the city of Madrid, using public transportation to access the city and also taking a trip to see areas such Toledo, Segovia, and other Spanish sites. While German or Spanish proficiency is not required for this course, students should be comfortable with practicums in both country’s schools and be willing to be uncomfortable due to possible language barriers at times.

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POL 246: Global Health in India (FEE)
Professor: Aparna Thomas

Destination: India

This is an interdisciplinary course that focuses on gender and development in India. Our primary focus will be to explore and examine various topics in the study of gender and politics such as women’s political mobilization, access to power, participation in political parties, women as voters and candidates in political elections, and gender and the state. Secondly, we will also critically investigate the complex ways in which gender identity is constructed in India. We will give particular attention to the relationships among factors such as caste, class, health and social structures that shape gender identity. Third, we will explore how gender and health issues are connected in urban and rural India.

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Block 7

CLA 279: Graves, Games, Gladiators
Professors: John Gruber-Miller, Chris Hoklotubbe

Destination: Italy

Embark on an immersive journey through the heart of the Roman Empire where history comes alive amid towering monuments, crumbling ruins, sacred catacombs, and epic tales of triumph and tragedy. This course takes students to Rome and Naples, with visits to archaeological treasures such as Pompeii, Herculaneum, Tivoli, and Ostia Antica.

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ECB 352: Investment Management Seminar
Professor: Huan Cai

Destination: Chicago, USA

This course examines options and futures markets, serving as an introduction to the dynamic world of derivatives. Topics of the course include options pricing models (e.g., the binomial model), trading strategies (e.g., covered calls, protective puts, and spreads), forwards Vs. futures, and risk management.

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Block 8

MUS 155: Contemporary Songwriting
Professor: Chris Nakielski

Destination: Chicago, USA

This course is designated for aspiring singer/songwriters who have an interest in pop and commercial music, including rap. This class will focus on how to craft a successful pop contemporary song through targeted songwriting assignments, which includes heavy instruction on writing lyrics. This course will also put heavy emphasis on collaborations, along with daily professional and peer-to-peer critiques of each student's work in-progress. This class will conclude with a three day trip to downtown Chicago to record students' tunes at the Electrical Audio Studio.

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THE 305: Costume Design
Professor: Jenny Kelchen

Destination: Chicago, USA

Exploration of the role of the costume designer in the design and production process. Building upon skills learned in THE 108 and through script and character analysis, students begin to develop the visual design of clothing for a play using line, color, silhouette, texture, etc. Project work focuses on developing research and rendering skills, as well as budgeting and allocation of costume technology assets.

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