Phi Lambda Xi – ΦΛΞ – Phi-Lambs

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The Phi-Lambs appeared on the Cornell Greek scene on March 21, 1990. Their letters stand for friendship, loyalty, and excellence. The Phi-Lambs pride themselves on being individuals and “on having very low pressure for our members to fit into any one mold.”

Each group has different service requirements, but the Phi-Lambs go above and beyond the call by requiring 16 service hours per semester. Typically, they do individual and group work at the Cedar Valley Humane Society and the Hallmark Center in Mount Vernon, with Planned Parenthood in Cedar Rapids, and on their highway stretch just to the west of Mount Vernon on Route 30. In fact, it is not unusual for individual Phi-Lambs to meet and surpass their own requirement each semester.

The Phi-Lambs’ motto is “time may pass and we may part, but sisters remain close at heart,” which emphasizes the possibility of being close-knit friends while also being individuals within a large system.

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