English & Creative Writing Internships

Cornell student completes work on her laptop.

What will you do with an English major?

If you are considering majoring in English, or already are, you have probably heard this question. The fact is that students who major in English go on to pursue a variety of careers: in publishing, editing, writing, technical communications, law, ministry, public relations, human relations, teaching, professorships, and more. Doing an internship is a great way to get a head-start.

An internship allows you to:

  • connect your coursework with your life beyond the classroom
  • explore possible careers
  • gain valuable work experience 
  • and jumpstart professional networking

Students at Cornell College have pursued internships in writing, editing, publishing at radio stations, newspapers, publishing companies, law firms, and even at the Iowa State Department of Natural Resources. Students have also pursued internships in other fields, like marketing and advertising. The possibilities are only as limited as your imagination and initiative. 

To get started, refer to our internship guidelines

Previous student interns and their internships

Jessica Jones
Independent Publishing Group, Chicago, Ill. 

 Jessica Jones completed an internship at IPG during two blocks without missing a beat in her curriculum. "I met some amazing people who really took me under their wing and taught me everything there was to know about the publishing industry and distribution," she says. A graduate of '07, Jessica now works in publishing full time.  

Matt Heindel
Fantagraphics Books, Seattle, Wash.

 Fantagraphics Books publishes underground comic books such as Love and Rockets, book collections of classic comic strips, and a trade magazine of comic news and criticism, The Comics Journal. Matt worked in editorial (Comics Journal only), production, and marketing/promotions. He wrote reviews, helped with layout, and other tasks.

Brittany Szczepanik
Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, College of Public Health, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 

Brittany wrote several articles that were published in the Cedar Rapids Gazette, Iowa Farmers Today, and elsewhere. She also developed presentations on farm safety, and edited a grant proposal. Her internship was supported by a grant from the Dimensions Program.

 Charissa Kaspar
Communications Bureau, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Des Moines, Iowa 

Charissa spent most of her time writing and editing press releases and fact sheets, both for Iowa legislators and the general public. She also produces posters and presentations. This internship was supported by the Cornell Fellows Program.

Tim Clifford
Columbia University Press, New York

 As an editorial intern, Tim was involved in the process of getting manuscripts reviewed and preparing them for release.  His tasks included coordinating peer reviews of manuscripts and book proposals; contacting scholars qualified to review the material; and writing memos that accompany final manuscripts released into production.