Ariadne: Resources for Athenaze


Myrrhine's and Melitta's feelings about the evacuation and the impending war

After reading the Greek reading for Chapter 22a, speculate what Myrrhine or Melitta might fear about the evacuation and write 3-4 sentences in Greek that express their fear (i.e. use the subjunctive in clauses of fearing).

Example: Melitta fears that she will not be able to return home.

Then report in Greek what they in fact did say in the passage, but use indirect statement or indirect questions instead of the direct quotations in the passage (see pp. 102-103).

Example: Myrrhine asked how they can leave behind the sheep and the oxen.
Myrrhine said that it is not possible to do these things.


Classical Studies
Cornell College

Last Update: July 15, 2008 8:39 am
John Gruber-Miller