Ariadne: Resources for Athenaze


Grammar Link

Marilyn Katz's pages on participles

Links for the Acropolis

Dr. J's Illustrated Acropolis contains great photographs and mini-lectures about the major monuments on the Acropolis.

Ancient City of Athens: Acropolis features lots of images with brief descriptions of each view.

Learn about Lord Elgin and the Parthenon Marbles, a site dedicated to the return of the marbles to Greece. Fantastic images and a history of the controversy.

Explore plans and images of the Parthenon (Perseus).

Check out the reconstruction of the cult statue of Athena Parthenos and a tour of the Nashville Parthenon (Nashville).

More reconstructions of the Parthenon (Royal Ontario Museum).

Reconstructions of the Propylaea and Temple of Athena Nike (Museum of Reconstructions)





Classical Studies
Cornell College

Last Update: March 25, 2009 3:23 pm
John Gruber-Miller