Ariadne: Resources for Athenaze


Links on ancient Persia


Forgotten Empire: the World of Ancient Persia (British Museum) features an overview of the Persian empire--history, the palaces, daily life and burial, and how the Persians kept such a vast empire under control.

Articles on ancient Persia (Livius) has dozens of pages on topography, royal persons, other persons, and other terms and topics.

Mark's Achaemenid Persia contains pages on Persian history, campaigns, battles, army, and images.

Ancient Persia-Persepolis (Crystal Links) includes a timeline of Persian history, links to the Behistun inscription and relief sculpture.

Persepolis and Ancient Iran, a catalog of 999 photographs from the Oriental Institute Persepolis Expedition (1931-39)





Classical Studies
Cornell College

Last Update: February 11, 2010 9:25 pm
John Gruber-Miller