Terence's Eunuch Part 2
Chaerea (Ben Thompson) to Antipho (Brad Wright): “O festus dies. Amice, salve. Hominum omnium nemost quem ego nunc iam magis cuperem videre quam te.”
Dorias (Molly Landeen) looks on as Pythias (Megan Denner) expresses her surprise to Phaedria (Dan Walbridge): “You’re out of your mind. How could a eunuch do that?”
Phaedria (Dan Walbridge) to the old eunuch Dorus (Ian Thomas): “Where did you get these clothes you’re wearing?”
Chremes (Reed Skoog) to Pythias (Megan Denner): "You look so much more beautiful than before."
Thraso (Chris Demro) to Sanga (Kim Cox): “What’s this, you coward? Brought a sponge with you?” “How else was I going to wipe up the wounds?”
Chremes (Reed Skoog), pulling the trinkets away from Thraso: “Thais, I’m off to Sophrona, our nanny, to bring her here and show her these trinkets.”
Sophrona (Ellie Rohan) verifies the trinkets.
Pater (Nate Tolles) to Parmeno: "Occidi!"
Gnatho to Thraso: “These people didn’t know you; after I praised you in line with your deeds and merits, I got what we wanted.”
Cast of the Eunuch (2009): back row (L to R): Peter Moreno, Ian Thomas, David Miller, Nate Tolles, Dan Walbridge, Ben Thompson, Brad Wright, Reed Skoog, Megan Denner, Alex Cottrill; middle row: Ellie Rohan, Chris Demro, Katey Barnhurst, Eric Reese, Molly Landeen, Phil Gallagher, Kim Cox, April Johnson, Erin Daly; front row: directors Kassi Smith and Laura "LB" Blythe.