Interview & Negotiation

The interview is often the most important step in the hiring process so we encourage you to meet with a career coach prior to interviewing. 

Interview self-serve resources


When it comes to early career employment negotiations a recent college graduate must first know what they are worth, as well as how much a particular job is worth. Many employers have set salaries for which they will pay an entry level employee. Though an actual salary may not be negotiable (this is usually the case for internship programs), there are other benefits such as paid time-off, professional development and graduate school reimbursement, transportation, gym memberships, and flexible work hours that can all be taken into consideration.

It is recommended that a candidate for a position doesn't bring up compensation until after an offer is made. You don't want an employer to end an interview process because they think you are too expensive. It is best to do your research and come up with a range to present to the employer. If you can back up your salary range with published research, that will play in your favor.

Additionally, it is important to never accept an offer as soon as it is made. Even if you are pleased with the offer, take a day or two to think things over. You never know, putting a potential employer off for a couple days may result in an increased offer should you be their number one candidate.

Below is a list of resources to assist you with compiling salary data, as well as negotiating tips:

Financial and insurance tips