Contact Us

Where to find us

You can find us just off the Orange Carpet under the main stairs on the middle floor of Thomas Commons. We are here Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Feel free to stop in any time, but if you want to make sure we are available, please schedule an appointment. 

Schedule your appointment

Are you ready to explore careers, learn more about internships, or prepare yourself for graduate school? We have resources and information to guide you down the path you want.

Request a workshop

Interested in presenting career info to your class, student organization, or sports team? Complete a form to let us know what type of information you'd like to present to your audience. We'll work with you to design the content and find a time that works for your group. 

Share an opportunity

Are you an employer looking to share a job or internship with Cornell College students? When students come to us looking for opportunities, Handshake is the first place we direct them. 

Who we are

  • Photo of Jodi Schafer

    Jodi Schafer

    Senior Director, Berry Career Institute

     Thomas Commons
  • Photo of Jason Napoli

    Jason Napoli

    Director, Employer Relations and Career Coaching

     Thomas Commons

    Jason is your lead contact for information on our Leadership Development Program, LEADS.

  • Photo of Emma Clark

    Emma Clark

    Director, Law and Society and Mock Trial Assistant Coach

     Thomas Commons
  • Photo of Andrea Lohf

    Andrea Lohf

    Associate Director, Operations & Career Coaching

     Thomas Commons

    Andrea is your contact for information on the Handshake platform, Cornell Fellows, and other internship experiences.

  • Photo of Ken  Roden

    Ken  Roden

    Career Assistant Student Manager

    Ken is a senior majoring in English: Creative Writing. They are a member of the Student Senate, Open Field, and work at the library. Ken has been a CA for three years now and their favorite thing about it is meeting other students they would never meet outside of the office otherwise and learning about what they're doing, what they want to do, and how Ken can help them achieve their goals. A fun fact about Ken is they picked up an Art History minor this year because they wanted to learn more about the David by Michelangelo but stayed for Chris Penn-Goetsch's euphemisms.

  • Photo of Willow Dennison

    Willow Dennison

    Career Assistant

    Willow is a second-year double majoring in Computer Science and Theatre. She is a member of the Phi Lambs. In their free time, they like to hang out with friends and play video games. This is Willow's second year as a CA and her favorite thing about it is being able to help students find employment opportunities and seeing it work out for them. A fun fact about Willow is that they can speak four languages!

  • Photo of Alejandra Villegas-Tshuma

    Alejandra Villegas-Tshuma

    Career Assistant

    Alejandra is a senior and has been a Career Assistant for three years now.

  • Photo of Shirley Romero Carreon

    Shirley Romero Carreon

    Career Assistant

    Shirley is a Junior BMB major. She is an E-board member of Gente. She is also involved in LEADS and Posse. Her favorite thing to do in her free time is watch movies. This is her first year working as a CA and her favorite thing about it is being able to assist people they have about navigating their career choices. She also enjoys the morning shift since it works well with her busy schedule. A fun fact about Shirley is that she has two dogs. One named Chicken and one named Soup!

  • Photo of A'ryn Jackson

    A'ryn Jackson

    Career Assistant

    A’ryn, who also goes by AJ, is one of the BCI’s new Career Assistants. He is a sophomore majoring in Kinesiology. They are a member of the AXEs as well as an e-board member of BACO. AJ also works at the SAW as well. His favorite thing about working at the BCI is getting to know all the different students who come in and being able to help them. He also loves being able to work with some of his friends!

  • Photo of Rhye Nelson

    Rhye Nelson

    Career Assistant

    Rhye is a first-year double majoring in Creative Writing and Spanish. They are involved in Gente, Boom, Lyrically Inclined, The Cornellian, and Alliance. Their favorite thing to do in their free time is write poetry and novels, read, go stargazing, watch videos, and talk with friends. This is their first year as a CA and their favorite thing about it is being able to work with amazing people and learn more about different careers for different majors. A fact about Rhye is that they have 2 pet hermit crabs named Ernie and Goose!