Contact Us
Where to find us
You can find us just off the Orange Carpet under the main stairs on the middle floor of Thomas Commons. We are here Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Feel free to stop in any time, but if you want to make sure we are available, please schedule an appointment.
Schedule your appointment
Are you ready to explore careers, learn more about internships, or prepare yourself for graduate school? We have resources and information to guide you down the path you want.
Request a workshop
Interested in presenting career info to your class, student organization, or sports team? Complete a form to let us know what type of information you'd like to present to your audience. We'll work with you to design the content and find a time that works for your group.
Share an opportunity
Are you an employer looking to share a job or internship with Cornell College students? When students come to us looking for opportunities, Handshake is the first place we direct them.
Who we are
Jason Napoli
Interim Director; Director, Employer Relations and Career Coaching
Thomas CommonsJason is your lead contact for information on our Leadership Development Program, LEADS.
Sydney Meeker '21
Associate Director, Career Coaching & Experiential Learning
204 Russell Science CenterSydney is your contact for the Dimensions pre-health program and pre-health advising.
Andrea Lohf
Associate Director, Operations & Career Coaching
Thomas CommonsAndrea is your contact for information on the Handshake platform, employer tabling on campus, internship funding, and most Ingenuity in Action questions.
Rhye Nelson
Career Assistant Student Manager
Rhye is a second-year double majoring in Creative Writing and Spanish. They are involved in Gente, Boom, Lyrically Inclined, The Cornellian, and Alliance. Their favorite thing to do in their free time is write poetry and novels, read, go stargazing, watch videos, and talk with friends. This is their second year as a CA, and their favorite thing about it is being able to work with amazing people and learn more about different careers for different majors. A fact about Rhye is that they have 2 pet hermit crabs named Ernie and Goose!
Willow Dennison
Career Assistant
Willow is a third-year double majoring in Computer Science and Theatre. She is a member of the Phi Lambs. In their free time, they like to hang out with friends and play video games. This is Willow's third year as a CA, and her favorite thing about it is being able to help students find employment opportunities and seeing it work out for them. A fun fact about Willow is that she can speak four languages!
Marley Gillespie
Career Assistant
Marley is a junior double majoring in mathematics and statistics, and this is her first year as a Career Assistant.
Daniele Ebert
Career Assistant
Daniele is a sophomore who has not yet declared a major. This is her first year as a Career Assistant.
Evan Davis
Career Assistant
Evan is a sophomore double majoring in mathematics and statistics. This is his first year as a Career Assistant.
Sunny Howard
Career Assistant
Sunny is a sophomore majoring in English. This is her first year as a Career Assistant.
Luis Roman Bonilla
Career Assistant
Luis is a sophomore who has not yet declared a major. This is his first year as a Career Assistant.
Alana Feliciano Castro
Career Assistant
Alana is a freshman who has not yet declared a major. This is Alana's first year as a Career Assistant.
Elise Barros
Career Assistant
Elise is a freshman who has not yet declared a major. This is Elise's first year as a Career Assistant.