External Funding for Faculty Development

There are many external funding opportunities available to support your scholarly research, course development, support for conference attendance, and so much more. There are a few links below to get you started in your search.

Funding sources

Partnership with Cornell’s Grants Manager

  1. Notify the Grants Manager (grants@cornellcollege.edu) if you are interested in pursuing a grant for the current calendar year, and identify the grant opportunity or opportunities you plan to pursue. Download, review, and sign a copy of the Primary Investigator form and return to the Grants Manager.

  2. Wait for approval to pursue the grant through Cornell College from the Grants Manager—please allow 10 days for the approval process.

  3. Collaborate with the Grants Manager to prepare your grant application and associated requirements no less than 30 days prior to grant deadline.

  4. Update the Grants Manager on status of your grant submission, and if you are awarded funding.

  5. As you use the grant, communicate with the Grants Manager regarding equipment purchases, travel, and reporting requirements for grant compliance.

How to apply for a funding opportunity 

Managing Your Award


Contact the Grant Manager, Nicole Bauer, grants@cornellcollege.edu