Guidelines for Poster Presentations


Display Space

Free-standing, double-sided poster boards will be located on the Orange Carpet, and each poster presentation will be assigned to one side of a 4' high by 6' (56" x 42") wide board. Numbers on the boards will correspond to the poster identification numbers listed in the program.

Design Recommendations

Posters should be easy to read, not crowded, and organized in a logical manner. Since you will be available to elaborate on your work personally, only essential information need be presented visually. Important elements to include are:

  • Header, large enough to be read from a distance
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Illustrations such as figures or graphs

Refer to the Poster Guide to help you construct and print your poster -- be sure to look at the "Creating a Poster" link.

Mounting Posters

You should plan to arrive about 30 minutes before your poster session is scheduled to begin. Please have all materials up at the beginning of the session. All presenters: please remove your materials by 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Push pins will be provided.


Prepare an oral presentation of no more than five minutes in length and practice it in advance. In this way, you will be prepared to guide people through your poster, and your synopsis will provide a framework for further questions or discussion.


Submitting an abstract is a commitment to attend the symposium and present the poster as accepted. If for any reason you cannot attend, you must immediately notify your sponsor and the chair of the symposium and provide an explanation. At a minimum, arrange to have someone else deliver the poster; anything less is unprofessional.