Academic Advising at Cornell

A hallmark of the Cornell experience is the close relationship that develops between professors and students. One way this happens is through the advising relationship. Academic advising serves as an essential component of the teaching philosophy at Cornell.  It is the foundation for successful learning and a full and well-rounded education. The relationship you establish with your advisor is important. Advisors foster reflection as a means to helping students make choices about their education. They help students ponder critical questions, assist in the development of sound academic goals, provide accurate information, and encourage students to take full advantage of the resources and opportunities available to them.

For many new college students, the relationship with an academic advisor is likely to be very different from the academic relationships they have had in the past. The relationship is based on trust, support, and encouragement. At its heart, however, the relationship recognizes that students have the primary responsibility for their education.

 You will meet your first faculty advisor during New Student Orientation. Then in the fall of your sophomore year, you will have a chance to choose your final primary advisor in your major. This may or may not be the original advisor you were assigned. There is also a chance you will have a secondary advisor if you have a second major or a minor. 

The relationship between advisor and advisee takes commitment on both sides. 

Your responsibilities as an advisee

Frequently Asked Questions

You will also make connections with many other mentors who will come to know you as an individual and guide your path to becoming a life-long learner. If you have a pre-professional interest in business, law, medicine, or similar areas, you’ll receive additional advising and mentorship from the following programs and offices: