Spanish in Guatemala

Spanish in Guatemala

The basic language sequence (101-205) as well as upper-division classes and internships may be taken in Quetzaltenango (Xela), Guatemala through a special arrangement between Cornell College and SISAI Escuela de Español.  Advanced-level courses available for Cornell credit are Advanced Grammar and Composition, Advanced Conversation, Guatemalan Culture, Guatemalan Literature, Medical Spanish, and basic instruction in Quiché.  Volunteer (Internship) opportunities are also available and take the form of after-school tutoring, work at a women’s shelter, and support work at a medical clinic.  Includes a homestay with a Guatemalan family.  Registration entails additional costs.  

Another option in Guatemala is the Proyecto Lingùístico Francisco Marroquín in Antigua, which offers language study at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels in both Spanish and indigenous languages.

Student testimonial

Jenna Moraski

It’s impossible to not improve upon speaking and listening skills after four 35-hour weeks of one-on-one instruction and full-on socialization with Spanish speakers. Antigua is the heart of Guatemala, and I cannot imagine not having called it home. The streets are alive with culture but still offer American comforts.

Perhaps the best part of staying in Antigua was the link that it offered to the rest of the incredible country. I smelled ripe coffee berries, climbed ancient ruins high above the forest, felt my shoes melt beneath me at the top of an active volcano, and learned more than I thought possible about the history and magic of Guatemala.

I feel so much more confident in my Spanish speaking abilities, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Cornell’s independent study abroad program in Antigua to anyone and everyone.

Enroll in a course in Guatemala

SISAI Escuela de Español