Associated Colleges of the Midwest

Cornell Colleges is one of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM)—"a consortium of academically excellent, independent liberal arts colleges" dedicated to the liberal arts, students engagement, and off-campus study, among other values.

Cornell College students can receive credit for any other ACM study abroad programs. Two of the programs are dedicated to Spanish languages learners:

Costa Rica: Community Engagement in Public Health, Education, & the Environment

This is and interdisciplinary ACM program designed for students who wish to gain a comprehensive understanding of life in Latin America and to develop fluency in Spanish. This program, focused on the humanities and social sciences, is planned to take full advantage of its Costa Rican setting. Coursework in language, literature, geography, anthropology, politics, or in cultural change provides insight which are reinforced by group field trips and a two-week period of individual field work in rural areas. Language study is stressed as the key to in-depth understanding of the culture. In San José, and its environs, students live with families both to improve their language ability and to enjoy continuous, personal involvement in the daily life of a Latin American community. Prerequisite: SPA 103. September through December. 

Costa Rica: Field Research in the Environment, Social Sciences, & Humanities

This ACM program is designed for advanced work in the social and natural sciences. Independent research in the humanities is also encouraged. Costa Rica supports an extraordinary variety of plant and animal life and provides rich research opportunities for students of tropical biology and ecology. An equally broad range of research topics is available for students of anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, geology, history, political science, and sociology. Students prepare for their research during a month-long orientation which includes intensive language training and review of field work methodology. Their field of study may be integrated with an ongoing project or may be taken independently under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Prerequisites: sophomore standing, prior coursework in the proposed research discipline, and at least SPA 103. Spring semester. 

Website: Associated Colleges of the Midwest