Russian Study Abroad

All students are strongly encouraged to participate in a semester-long study abroad program during their junior or senior year.  Contact Lynne Ikach, Professor of Russian, to talk in depth about the various study-abroad options and to decide which one is most suited to your situation. 

How to apply

To participate in a study-abroad program you must first apply to study off campus by submitting a petition to the Academic Exceptions Committee by Dec. 1 of the academic year preceding the start of the program.  On your petition you must include information about the program in which you would like to participate, and a statement of purpose indicating how the program relates to the student's course of study and educational goals.  Read more about studying off campus. Once the petition is approved, you submit your application to the individual study-abroad program.

Recommended programs

There are many study-abroad programs that provide intensive language instruction.   Two long-standing organizations that offer summer, semester, and academic-year programs are the American Councils for International Education (ACTR/ACCELS), which run programs in Moscow, and the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), which runs programs in St. Petersburg.