Language Placement Tests

To meet the BA degree requirements at Cornell College, every student must complete a language course at the 103 level or prove competency at that level through a placement exam or by college transfer credit. If you are required to take a language placement test you will see the testing requirement in your New Student Portal and you will receive instructions about how to take the test prior to starting at Cornell. Taking the placement test verifies your language proficiency and helps the department chair identify which course(s) you are ready to enter in the language program.

Exceptions for international or multi-lingual homes:

  • International students who are from a country where English was not the main language of instruction in high school are exempt from the language requirement. 
  • Students who lived for a time in a country where the main language is not English are exempt from the language requirement if they attended school through at least the junior high level at an institution where English was not the main language of instruction.
  • Students who completed their education in Puerto Rico are considered exempt from the language requirement.

Frequently asked questions

I speak a language other than English at home. Am I exempt from the language requirement?

Possibly, but not necessarily. We need verification that you are able to read, write, speak, and understand the language at the 200 level or above. If the language is one we offer at Cornell, you should take the appropriate placement test. If the language is one we do not offer, you should contact the chair of the Languages Department to discuss the arrangement of a placement test. Students are responsible for any costs associated with an outside placement test.

I took a language in high school that Cornell does not offer, am I exempt from the language requirement?

Possibly, but not necessarily. We need verification that you are able to read, write, speak, and understand the language at the 200 level or above. You should contact the chair of the Languages Department to discuss the arrangement of a placement test. Students are responsible for any costs associated with an outside placement test.

Do AP or IB courses automatically exempt students from the language requirement?

It depends on the results of their tests. See Advanced Placement Credit or International Baccalaureate Exam Credit for information on AP or IB exam score equivalencies in foreign languages.

What if I don’t want to continue in a language previously studied?

Please take the exam anyway. If you decide at a later date to continue your previously studied foreign language, the exam score will assist in your course placement. Plus, you will satisfy your curiosity and see how you fit in with our program.

Do I receive credit if I pass the language placement test?

No. This test does not award any credit. To meet the BA degree requirements at Cornell College, every student must either complete a language course at the 103 level, or place above the 103 level on the placement test.

What if I’d like to take the exam in two or more languages?

You may take multiple language tests online; however, make sure you take the language that you are most likely to continue at Cornell.

What if I don’t do well on the exam or receive a low placement?

Your score and placement will not be recorded on your transcript, nor will your grade point average be affected. You cannot “fail” a placement exam.

What if I'm not comfortable with the recommended course level?

If you wish to continue in a language but feel uncomfortable about starting at the level recommended, consult the Registrar’s office.

If I choose to take the recommended course, do I have to take it immediately or in my first year?

You may take the course at any time during your Cornell career; however, the longer you wait, the more likely it will be that you may forget what you had learned and the more difficult it may be for you to catch up.

Questions about placement tests?

Please share your questions with your admission counselor and they will help you or connect you with the faculty chair for that language who can answer detailed questions.