Campus Mail
Student Mailing Address:
810 Commons Circle SW #_____
Mount Vernon, IA 52314-1000
Faculty/Staff Mailing Address:
600 First Street SW
Mount Vernon, IA 52314

Campus mail guidelines
To expedite on-campus mailings, please address with full names and department name or box numbers. Organize items in numerical order and band them together if a large quantity (more than 10). Items should be no smaller than a quarter sheet (4 1/4" x 5 1/2")
Inter-office envelopes
These are the envelopes used repeatedly for internal mailing. Make sure all previous markings have been marked out to ensure proper handling and direction to the intended recipient. Return envelopes to the Mail & Service Center.
Plain envelopes
When addressing in-house mail on plain or Cornell envelopes, the two-line format is preferred. We request that you avoid three or more lines since such mail can be mistaken for US Mail. Also, please separate from mail to be metered.
Confidential mail should be marked accordingly and sealed for proper security.
Tests and papers returned to students should be in envelopes with full name and mailbox number on the outside.
Student delivery
All students have a mailbox assigned to them. If you need help with the combination then please come to the counter for assistance.
The Mail & Service Center receives mail and packages from USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, and Amazon beginning at 10 a.m. Students ordering from any other source (for example, Instacart) must arrange to meet the driver for pickup. After delivery, the Mail Center staff processes as quickly as possible and sends an email notification that it is ready for pickup; please wait to pick up your package until you have received your email. To receive a package, come to the front counter with your student ID ready. The staff will scan your ID upon delivery.<
If it is not possible to pick up a package during our business hours then a proxy can pick it up for you. Notify the Mail Center by emailing us. Give the name of the proxy, your box number, and how long that person has permission to pick up your packages.
Letters are delivered to the student mailboxes without notification so be sure to check your mailbox regularly.
Unclaimed packages
Unclaimed packages will be removed after three months.Faculty-staff mail delivery
Delivery schedule
Mail leaves the Mail Center at 3 p.m. Monday through Friday to be delivered to campus buildings. During delivery campus and outgoing mail is picked up. Mail leaves campus for the U.S. Post Office at 3 p.m.
Buildings served
Mail is delivered to and picked up from Facilities, Cole Library, Old Sem, Hanson House, Paul K. Scott Alumni Center, Luce House, McWethy Hall, and the Small Athletic and Wellness Center (SAW).
On-campus mail guidelines
To expedite campus mailing, please address with full name and department name or box number. Organize items in numerical order and band them together if a large quantity (more than 10). Items should be no smaller than a quarter sheet. (4 1/4" x 5 1/2")
Personal mail policy
Faculty and Staff should not receive personal mail of any kind. The Mail & Service Center has the right to refuse delivery of any personal packages.
Unclaimed packages
Unclaimed packages will be removed after three months.