Reflection - How it Works

Why is the reflection required?

The InAct program ensures experiential learning is a part of your Cornell experience and allows you to reflect on the hands-on knowledge and skills you've gained. Reflecting on your experience to convey what you’ve learned will greatly prepare you to have meaningful conversations with future employers and graduate programs.

What are the common reflection questions?

You will address the following reflection questions at the end of your experience, and are expected to aim for 150-200 words per question.

  1. Reflect on your experience. What surprised you during the experience about yourself, about others, and/or the place(s) you encountered?
  2. What challenges did you face during the experience? Consider the skills and methods that were helpful to you as you navigated these challenges.
  3. In what ways did you use verbal and/or nonverbal communication to accomplish your goals during this experience? Consider the ways various forms of communication can help or hinder productivity and project outcomes.
  4. How will you apply what you’ve learned during this experience to your future endeavors? Consider how this experience will inform your future interactions with people, places, and projects.

How will your reflection be evaluated?

Your sponsor will evaluate your reflection based on the following rubric:

Connections to Experience: Connects relevant experience and academic knowledge): Makes meaningful connections between experiences within the formal classroom and beyond. Shows evidence of a deepened understanding of one’s field of study and a broadened point of view. (Knowledge, Vocation)

4 (Ample evidence)
3 (Sufficient evidence)
2 (Some evidence)
1 (Little evidence)
0 (no evidence)

Reflection and Self-Assessment: Demonstration of a developing sense of self as a learner, building on prior experiences to respond to new and challenging contexts. Envisions a future self and makes plans that build on past experiences across diverse contexts (Knowledge, Vocation).

4 (Ample evidence)
3 (Sufficient evidence)
2 (Some evidence)
1 (Little evidence)
0 (no evidence)

Communication: Recognizes the value of verbal and nonverbal communication and participates in efforts to improve communication skills (Communication).

4 (Ample evidence)
3 (Sufficient evidence)
2 (Some evidence)
1 (Little evidence)
0 (no evidence)

How do you access your reflection to submit it in the portal?

The possibility to submit your reflection in the InAct Portal will open following the end date of your approved application. You will have two weeks past that date to submit your reflection. When the reflection opens up you will receive an email from the portal with a link to access the reflection. The portal will continue to send you reminders with 7 days remaining to submit and 24 hours.

If you lose access to these emails, you can access the reflection in the InAct Portal. You will need to login and click "View your records" on the left hand side if you are on your computer. If you are on your phone, click additional navigation on the top of the screen to find the view your record option. There will be a record that says drafting reflection. Please click that record and you will have an option to click complete reflection.

Questions? Contact us

Send an email to: and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.