Register for Disability Accommodations

General guidelines

Cornell College is committed to working with students with disabilities to ensure equal access and nondiscrimination in the activities and programs the College offers.

There are many differences in how accommodations are handled between the high school level and college, including:

  • Students have more responsibility in the accommodation process at the college level. This is one part of the increased responsibility and independence college students experience, and it also applies to disability accommodation.
  • Accommodations provided in high school may not necessarily be available or reasonable at the postsecondary level. An IEP or 504 is often not adequate documentation for college. 
  • A 504 plan does not automatically transfer to college. You must still apply for accommodations with the Coordinator of Disability Services if you wish to have accommodations at Cornell College.

Student responsibility

  • Prior to enrollment, students should complete the Application for Disability Accommodations in their New Student Checklist through Admissions.  If you are not able to locate this form in your checklist, please contact the Coordinator of Disability Services.
  • Current students seeking accommodations for the first time, please fill out the Application for Academic Accommodations form.
  • Submit current documentation from a professional source qualified to evaluate the particular disability. The documentation must verify the nature of the disability, what functional limitations it presents, and what specific accommodations are recommended. The documentation should be sent to the Coordinator of Disability Services We recommend documentation for new students reach campus by August 1.
  • Meet with the Coordinator of Disability Services for an intake meeting to discuss accommodations, how to implement them, and what barriers are faced.  This meeting must occur before accommodations are granted; ideally before school begins.
  • Notify the instructor of each course in which you wish to use accommodations by requesting an accommodation letter from the Coordinator of Disability Services. This should be done by the end of the third day of the block.

Additional information

More information about Cornell's procedures and accommodations is available on the Disability Services section of Cornell's website.

For more information contact:
Coordinator of Disability Services
Phone: 319.895.4207
FAX: 319.895.5187