Teaching During Tragedy

Following is a draft of a bibliography compiled by the Illinois State University Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology and links to several websites that offer information and strategies for teaching during times of crisis. Special thanks to Sandy Colbs, Director of the IL State Student Counseling Services for sharing this information.

Huston, Therese A., and Michele DiPietro. “In the Eye of the Storm: Students’ Perceptions of Helpful Faculty Actions Following a Collective Tragedy.” To Improve the Academy 21 (2007): 206-224.

 Kardia, Diana, Crisca Bierwert, Constance E. Cook, A.T. Miller, and Matthew Kaplan. “Discussing the Unfathomable: Classroom-Based Responses to Tragedy.” Change 34.1 (2002):19-22.

Miller, Katherine. “The Experience of Emotion on the Workplace.” Management Communication Quarterly 15.4 (2002): 571-600.

Pavela, Gary. “Memorandum to the Faculty: Teaching Troubled Students After Virginia Tech.” Spectrum Nov. (2007): 4-9.

Siegel, Dorothy. Campuses Respond to Violent Tragedy. Phoenix, AZ: Oryz Press, 1994.

WebPages from other universities on how to deal with teaching after tragedy

“Teaching in Times of Crisis

“Responding to Difficult Moments"

Additional Web Resources

Anxiety and National or World Events -info., and links to additional tips for coping with uncertain times.

The American Psychological Association (APA) has an article titled "Managing Your Distress in the Aftermath of a Shooting".

The APA also has information about coping after natural disaster:  "Managing traumatic stress: Tips for recovering from disasters and other traumatic events".

Disclaimer:  Note that the information contained in this web site is considered general information. No claims are made that this information is exhaustive of information available. Due to time and ethical restraints, we regret that we are unable to respond to questions seeking more general information about this subject than is provided in this page. Links to other web sites are for your information only. We do not specifically endorse any service or information provided on the internet beyond that information that is specifically published by our Center. Self-help resources can accompany work you are doing in therapy or in a support group. We do not necessarily recommend self-treatment as a sole course of treatment.

E-mail comments, suggestions, etc., to: counseling@cornellcollege.edu

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