Re-Creation of a Young Roman Girl

Historical Profile | Fictional First Person NarrativeDomestic Space | Links | Bibliography

For more information on Roman children and women, visit these sites:


Elite Roman Women and Public Speech
    Judith Hallett discusses elite Roman women and public speech, literary interests and education.

Midwives and Maternity Care in the Roman World
    Valerie French discusses the midwives and wet nurses.

Role of Women
    A Roman philosopher discusses the advantage of educating women during the first century A.D

Roman Ball Games
    Descriptions and Pictures of games the Roman children and adolescents may have participated in.

Women and Roman Law

    Introduces the idea of patria potestas and the control the father had as the head of the family.

The Julian Marriage Laws
    These are laws, established by Augustus, concerning Roman marriage and adultery.

The Twelve Tables
     Roman law set in 450 B.C. concerning paternal power, guardianship, ownership, possession, and sacred law.

The Right of Life or Death
    The Roman laws on adultery and a father's power over his daughter if she is caught committing adultery.


Age and Gender at Roman Meals
    Pedar Foss gives a synopsis of his book Kitchens and Dining Rooms at Pompeii:  the spatial and social relationship from cooking to eating in the Roman household.  Offers a general description of the roles that men and women of all ages and classes play in the Roman meal.  Talks about everyday meals and feasts.

Social Recipes in the Roman House
    A brief summary of the book written by Pedar Foss on The Social Recipes in the Roman House.  Offers a detailed description of the content of each chapter, as well as some broad discussion of Roman meals.  Anything from invitations to types of utensils used at meals is covered in this article.

Daily Life

    Pictures or the types of clothing Roman citizens wore for everyday where, or special occasions

Men's Opinions
   Juvenal on women in general in second century A.D.  Describes the virtues a wife should have.

    Some possible occupations for women in Rome.  This article covers several different time periods.

Roman Life Expectancy
    A table and statistics of infant mortality rates in ancient Rome.

The Roman Family
    Jan Zabocki discusses the "Image of a Roman family in Noctes by Aulus Gellis."  Patria potestas, a mothers role, and the relationships of other members of the family are discussed.


    A brief discussion of the Festival of Lupercalia and the role that women played in the festival.

The Roman Kalendar
    A day by day overview of the Roman Kalendar.  Gives a brief description of special events and festivals.

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