
Latin 205: Poenulus

In addition to the scheduled items below, there
will be daily reading assignments from the Poenulus. A production
schedule will also be distributed early the first week of class.
WEEK 1: Review. Please review the appropriate
sections of the Oxford Latin Course before class:
- Monday: nouns & adjectives - all declensions
- comparison of adjectives
- Tuesday: verbs - present, imperfect perfect,
pluperfect & future & future perfect indicative (active & passive) -
imperative, future imperative - impersonal verbs - infinitives - indirect
- Wednesday: subjunctive & irregular verbs
- present, imperfect, perfect & pluperfect subjunctive (active & passive)
- purpose, cum & result clauses - indirect questions & commands - irregular
verbs: sum, possum, eo, volo, nolo, malo, fero, fio - verbs of
- Thursday: - participles - gerunds &
gerundives - ablative absolute.
- Friday: - personal, relative & reflexive
pronouns - demonstratives (is hic, ille, iste, ipse, idem) -
qu- pronouns.
WEEK 2: Reports
- Monday: Costumes & Make-up
- Tuesday: Music & Props
- Wednesday: Production Manager & Publicity/House
- Thursday: Directors
- Friday: * MIDTERM *
WEEK 3: Reports
- Monday: Agorastocles, Hanno, & Antamoenides
- Tuesday: Adelphasium, Anterastilis,
& Lycus
- Wednesday: Milphio, Collybisca, & Syncerastus
- Thursday: Advocati & Prologus
WEEK 4: Performances
- Sunday & Monday: Performances
- Tuesday: no class, but log books & summary/reports
- Wednesday: * FINAL EXAM *
