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Classical Mythology

CLA 2-216-2001

Achilleus receiving his armor from Thetis

Iliad Study Questions:

Books 16-18:

  • For a summary of books we're skipping, click here.

  • Compare Patroklos, Achilleus and Hektor. How are they similar or different as warriors? What are their motivations for entering battle?

  • What constitutes heroic death?

  • How does Achilleus react to the death of Patroklos? How does this compare to the Trojans reaction to Hektor's death?

  • Pay close attention to the description of Achilleus' shield. In what ways do the scenes on the shield parallel scenes in the Iliad? How can it be seen as a commentary on the poem itself?

Last Update: Sept. 30, 2001
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