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Classical Mythology

CLA 2-216-2001

Paris & Helen, Hektor & Andromache

Iliad Study Questions:

Books 6, 9 & 10:

  • For a summary of books we're skipping, click here.

  • What can we learn about the nature of Archaic Greek marriages from the Iliad? What are the images of wives we see in books 3 and 6? What makes a good wife? How would you compare Helen and Andromache?

  • What is the image you get of Hektor in Book 6? Notice the order of people he visits before heading out to the battlefield. How is this significant? How does this compare to the representations of him on the battlefield? What makes a good husband? How would you compare Hektor and Paris?

  • How are relationships between male companions depicted in these books? How would you describe the relationship between Achilleus and Patroklos? Achilles and Phoinix?

  • Why does Achilleus refuse Agamemnon's offer in Book 9? Try to come up with at least two reasons. Is the last part of Achilleus' speech a questioning of the heroic code?

Last Update: Sept. 30, 2001
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