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AMICI was founded in 1988 as a non-profit organization to promote the study of Latin and the ancient world in Iowa schools, colleges, and communities. The name of the organization is the Latin word amici, which means "friends," and comes from the Latin root for "love." AMICI sponsors a bi-annual newsletter Amicitia, an annual Latin Translation Contest, and a speakers' bureau. If you are looking for a Latin teacher, are looking for a speaker, or want to know more about Latin or the ancient world, contact one of our officers:

AMICI Constitution




AMICI Mentoring Program

Benefits of Latin

Calendar of Events

Classical Iowa

Contests and Scholarships


Amicitia Newsletter

Resources for Teachers

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About AMICI | AMICI Mentoring Program | Benefits of Latin | Calendar of Events | Classical Iowa
Contests and Scholarships | Membership | Amicitia Newsletter | Resources for Teachers

Contact: John Gruber-Miller (AMICI Secretary-Treasurer)
Last Update: April 15, 2009 10:53 am